Kolekcija: Labākais pārdevējs

Uzlabojiet savu kulinārijas ceļojumu ar mūsu visvairāk pārdoto garšvielu izlasi, kas rūpīgi atlasītas, lai izceltu jūsu ēdienus ar vislabāko garšu. Šīs klientu iecienītākās garšvielas ir nepieciešamas jebkurā virtuvē, jo piedāvā daudzveidīgu garšu klāstu, kas apmierinās ikviena gaumes kārpiņas.

Default collection image
  • //spiceherbsland.lv/cdn/shop/files/Spice_mix_for_Fish_Aroma_Mix_sh43_18f2c643-2692-4d3a-850c-965fe1fadfa5.jpg?v=1740591913&width=400 Garšvielu maisījums Aroma Mix Zivīm

    Garšvielu maisījums Aroma Mix Zivīm

    Maigs maisījums jūras velšu svaiguma uzlabošanai

    Parastā cena No €5,40
    Parastā cena €5,70 Pārdošanas cena No €5,40
  • //spiceherbsland.lv/cdn/shop/files/Spice_mix_for_Borscht_SH45_9edb9bc0-0b1b-4a76-9a20-85bd8051ce00.jpg?v=1740592123&width=400 Garšvielu maisījums Borščam

    Garšvielu maisījums Borščam

    Traditional blend for authentic borscht flavor.

    Parastā cena No €3,90
    Parastā cena €4,10 Pārdošanas cena No €3,90
  • //spiceherbsland.lv/cdn/shop/files/Additive_for_Poultry_Meat_SH102.jpg?v=1740600068&width=400 Piedevas mājputnu gaļai.

    Piedevas mājputnu gaļai.

    Enhances flavor & tenderness in poultry.

    Parastā cena No €5,40
    Parastā cena €5,70 Pārdošanas cena No €5,40
  • //spiceherbsland.lv/cdn/shop/files/Spice_mix_for_Beef_sh54_c1563af0-339d-4187-a267-222f4e475dce.jpg?v=1740592759&width=400 Garšvielu maisījums Liellopu gaļai

    Garšvielu maisījums Liellopu gaļai

    Deep, robust blend for steaks & roasts.

    Parastā cena No €5,40
    Parastā cena €5,70 Pārdošanas cena No €5,40
  • //spiceherbsland.lv/cdn/shop/files/Five_pepper_blend_SH20_ad898eb6-2be0-46b5-b04a-8cd97a12f0c9.jpg?v=1740586640&width=400 Piecu piparu maisījums

    Piecu piparu maisījums

    A balanced mix of five bold pepper varieties.

    Parastā cena No €5,40
    Parastā cena €5,70 Pārdošanas cena No €5,40
  • //spiceherbsland.lv/cdn/shop/files/Turmeric_powder_SH89_94f79f99-8068-40a0-a3ab-6c393932093e.jpg?v=1740598844&width=400 Kurkuma malta

    Kurkuma malta

    Mūsu Tumric pulveris nodrošina zeltainu krāsu, zemes garšu un bagātību

    Parastā cena No €4,90
    Parastā cena €5,10 Pārdošanas cena No €4,90
  • //spiceherbsland.lv/cdn/shop/files/Ginger_ground_SH77_ed1307a8-6ed3-4c3a-9bd0-0d1926f7bdf8.jpg?v=1740597038&width=400 Ingvers malts

    Ingvers malts

    Warm, spicy powder for cooking & baking.

    Parastā cena No €5,90
    Parastā cena €6,20 Pārdošanas cena No €5,90
  • //spiceherbsland.lv/cdn/shop/files/Coriander_ground_SH86_bb90e0a3-b5a6-4b83-bcd2-0c009115a21f.jpg?v=1740598672&width=400 Koriandrs malts

    Koriandrs malts

    Warm, citrusy spice for curries & marinades.

    Parastā cena No €4,90
    Parastā cena €5,10 Pārdošanas cena No €4,90
  • //spiceherbsland.lv/cdn/shop/files/Smoked_paprika_powder_SH88_eb4c8ee0-68a9-4181-91c2-ff093356e52f.jpg?v=1740598911&width=400 Kūpinātas paprikas pulveris

    Kūpinātas paprikas pulveris

    Rich, smoky paprika for deep flavor.

    Parastā cena No €7,90
    Parastā cena €8,30 Pārdošanas cena No €7,90
  • //spiceherbsland.lv/cdn/shop/files/Cinnamon_ground_SH79_1e2ae3f6-3728-4809-9145-78001b33306c.jpg?v=1740597169&width=400 Kanēlis malts

    Kanēlis malts

    Malts kanēlis: silta, salda garšviela neatvairāmai garšai

    Parastā cena No €3,40
    Parastā cena €3,60 Pārdošanas cena No €3,40
  • //spiceherbsland.lv/cdn/shop/files/Cardamom_ground_SH80_d78f357c-cb0e-43bb-b075-1614040c2d01.jpg?v=1740597290&width=400 Kardamons malts

    Kardamons malts

    Malts kardamons — silta, salda garšviela cepšanai, tējām un desertiem

    Parastā cena No €7,40
    Parastā cena €7,80 Pārdošanas cena No €7,40
  • //spiceherbsland.lv/cdn/shop/files/Spice_mix_Ucho_Suneli_SH121.jpg?v=1740601273&width=400 Garšvielu maisījums Ucho Suneli

    Garšvielu maisījums Ucho Suneli

    Warm, nutty Georgian blend for meats & soups.

    Parastā cena No €4,40
    Parastā cena €4,60 Pārdošanas cena No €4,40
FAQ Image

Frequently Asked Questions

Spices should be stored in airtight containers away from heat, light, and moisture. Whole spices last longer than ground spices, but both should be kept in a cool, dry place to maintain their aroma and potency.

Whole spices can last 2-4 years, while ground spices typically remain fresh for 1-3 years. However, spices don’t "expire" in the traditional sense—they just lose their flavor and potency over time.

Spice blends like Garam Masala, Taco Mix, and Italian Seasoning add depth to dishes without requiring multiple spices. They can be used as rubs for meat, seasoning for vegetables, or added to soups and stews for extra flavor.

Spices don’t typically grow mold unless exposed to moisture. If a spice smells weak or has clumps, it may have absorbed humidity and should be replaced.

Spices like cinnamon, cayenne pepper, turmeric, and black pepper may help boost metabolism, aid digestion, and promote fat burning.

Dried herbs like oregano, thyme, and rosemary should be added early in the cooking process so they have time to release their flavors. In contrast, fresh herbs should be added at the end for the best taste.

Add dairy (yogurt, cream, milk) to balance heat. Mix in a little sugar or honey to counteract spiciness. Add more of the main ingredients (like broth, tomatoes, or potatoes) to dilute the spice.

Basic spices include: For everyday cooking: Black pepper, salt, cumin, coriander, paprika, garlic powder. For baking: Cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice. For spicy dishes: Chili powder, cayenne, mustard seeds. For Mediterranean & Italian dishes: Oregano, basil, rosemary, thyme.

While we take precautions, our spices are processed in facilities that may handle nuts, seeds, and gluten-containing ingredients. Please check individual product labels for details.